Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Peak ...

in case you all have been wondering where I have gone

here is a peak

i have been busy this past week

preparing for my Inspired Evening Event

which starts in about 9 hours ...
yes I am at that point...  counting down the hours

so I know exactly when all the polly pockets need to be
picked up and the high chair moved out of sight ...
ugh ... not an easy task decorating the house with a
3 year old and 11 month old


it is going to be great!

 here is a tiny weeny sneak peak for all
you who couldn't make it tonight...

wish you all could be here.



  1. looks great Kate! sorry i cant be there. love you & praying for you!

  2. take lots of pics and bring to jens on saturday please!!!

  3. SERIOUSLY! When will you come decorate my house??? You have a tremendous gift from God!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

  4. Last night was so beautiful! Thanks for letting me be a part of it <3
