Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Discovering ...

i have a pen pal ...


we have never met
we do not even know what each other looks like
i do not even know her last name
we have never spoken over the phone
only through letters...
well letters through email
( although hand written letters would be so much better )



i have a friend ... who has a friend ...
who was struggling
in a way that was familiar to me

you see she just had her first baby and she was slowly
discovering that though she was gaining something...
she was slowly losing another thing...

all you mothers i know you know ...

and so ...

we write.


we lift each other
we have no filters
we write from our hearts... we do not hesitate on what words to put down
we each sift through each others ramblings to discover the core
because you see... we have this thing...

A UNSPOKEN truth of sorts
I'm here for you... you here for me

And it is so refreshing.

perhaps one day i will share some of our letters...
they are ... BEAUTIFUL.

not because we are great writers...
but simply due to the fact that we are just two women
speaking truth to one another...
we are two women sharing with each other.
we are honest
we are keeping it real

and today i encourage all of you to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. This makes my heart smile. Thank you thank you thank you for helping with something I have no experience with.
